Telepresence Participation

Participate remotely via telepresence robots

Dates: Monday, October 2 – Wednesday, October 4
Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Reservations: Secure a time slot here in advance
On-demand access: Check for real-time availability here

IROS 2023 Silver Partner Ohmnilabs has provided three of their Ohmni telepresence robots to facilitate participation in the conference for all those who cannot physically attend in person.

Register in advance to lock in your time slot so that you can

  • Explore the exhibit hall and speak with exhibitors
  • Interact with authors and other attendees during the interactive poster sessions
  • Attend a plenary or keynote presentation


Alternatively, check in real time to see if one of the robots is available for your use at any time throughout the day.